Monday, November 23, 2009

Hunting Report

Well the firearm season has come and gone. We didn't see as many deer registered this year as we did in the past. Seems to be what we're hearing from all the area hunters.

Out Big Buck contest was won by Troy Vetsch with a 235# buck and the Big Doe contest went to Calvin Wittner with a 185# doe. Curt Fisher and Preston Gehrke took 2nd and 3rd place for the big buck and Shawn Hughs and Kathy Reischert took 2nd and 3rd for the big does. Congratulations to all the hunters!

We are finishing up our inventory for the year and getting anxious for hard water on the lakes! We will be closed Thanksgiving Day.

We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Froggy and the Gang!