Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fishing Report

May 14, 2011

The opener started out wet and cold, but the sun did shine this afternoon. We are hearing reports of walleye in 7 to 9 feet of water, with a jig and a minnow. Sounds like Cass, Andrusia, as well as Big Wolf, produced some fish. Shiners were a premium this weekend because of the cool water temps and just were real slow to trap. For every 20 to 30 gallons we hoped to get, we ended up with 10. The rainbow minnow did seem to do well though, this weekend. I'm sure with the warm weather coming next week and the sunshine, we will be getting all kinds of shiner minnows. Would have been nice to have the opener a week later. I guess that's kind of the rule of thumb for opening weekend though.

Hope you had a safe and successful opening weekend!

See you out on the water. Good fishing!
