Saturday, May 11, 2013

Fishing Report

May 11, 2013

It was a very poor opener, with ice on the lakes and the major rivers closed.  It was really cold and windy too today.  There were very people up fishing and we did not hear any good reports.  It is just too cold for the fish to bite yet.  The wind did help with the ice melt today though.  Little Wold looks like it will be open tomorrow and Midge Lake opened up too. 

Froggy said Allen's Bay on Cass is starting to open up and we are hopint that by next weekend, most or all of the ice should be gone.  Temps are suppose to really improve this week also.

Hand in there, we will have open water eventually!

Thanks for the calls.  We try to keep you as informed as we can and thanks to those guys who braved it up north this weekend, for stopping in at Froggy's.

Good fishing!

Froggy and the gang