Friday, August 30, 2013

Fishing Report

August 30, 2013

Warm weather has slowed down the fishing and the fishermen.  It is suppose to cool off this weekend and hopefully that will trigger the fish to bite too.  We did get some needed rain yesterday.

We have the big Labor Day weekend coming up.  Hopefully you will be able to get your family together and enjoy the outdoors.  We are looking forward to having you stop by before you head out to the resort or your cabins.

FYI, the Cystic Fibrosis tournament is coming up, out of Break on the Lake Resort, the first weekend in October and the MWC tournament will be September 13th and 14th, out of Stony Point on Cass Lake.  Good luck to all the anglers involved in these tournaments.

We will be going to our fall hours after the holiday weekend.  We will be opening up at 7AM and closing at 5PM for the fall and winter.  I don't know where this summer has gone too.

Our family is trying to get back in the routine with school starting.  Ben will be a junior this year; Crissy has started college at BSU and Jerimiah left yesterday for deployment.  Froggy is still burying cable down in the cities and will be doing some bear hunting this weekend.  Mrs. Froggy (Melissa) is getting ready to get back to her teaching in Red Lake.  The Old Toad and Gramma Froggy are just taking things day by day and doing what we can to help out with things.  We need to say "Thank you" to Auntie Mitz and Dick H and Kaleb, who help us out too.  Family and friends, what would we do without them.

If your up in the area this weekend, stop by and say "Hi".  Here's wishing you all a safe and happy Labor Day weekend, from all of us at Froggy's Sports.

Good fishing!

Froggy and the gang