Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Deer Hunting

November 11, 2008

Froggy is sitting in a swamp this afternoon, looking for that 30-point buck!

As of 2PM today, we have registered over 100 deer. We have seen lots of nice bucks. Froggy and his family did real well over the weekend. Ben got his 8 point buck; Crissy got a 7 point buck and a doe and Mia got 2 does. They were all busy last night cleaning and cutting up their deer. It's good to see the grandkids interested in hunting and fishing.

We have lots of hunters heading for home today. We wish you all a safe trip and hope you had a successful hunting trip and a good time while you were up in the area.

Now we are waiting for the lakes to make ice. With the cold weather we have had the last few days, it's a start.

Mama Froggy