Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fishing Report

June 19, 2011

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there. It was a cloudy day today until about 5PM and then the sun came out and it was a really nice evening.

I am heading back to Bismarck this week and hope to get that job done, if the rains hold off.

Fishing has still been doing well. I would say we have about half and half/shiners and leeches going out the door now. We had a couple of guys who did really well with crawlers on Big Wolf. Got some nice walleye. Shiners are slow to come into the traps now.

We have gotten in some more Papa Joe Jigs now and also a tackle box of 100 banana jigs in the most popular colors and sizes. Stop by and take a look.

See you out on the water.

Good fishing!
