Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Fishing Report

June 29, 2011

Fishing is still going strong. Water temps are around 63 degrees, so the jig and minnow is still working. As soon as the water temps rise, they will be switching over to leeches and crawlers. In fact, we are seeing more leeches and crawlers leaving the store. We also have a river mix that seems to be working well.

Everyone is concerned about the state shutdown and getting DNR licenses. If you are planning to come up this way this weekend, I would suggest getting your license on line. I wouldn't think shutdown would last for too long. I am hoping that these politicians will work together and get things settled. Seems to me there was a shutdown about 5 years ago and it lasted about 10 days. Lets hope they get their act together.

We are wishing everyone a safe and happy 4th of July weekend!

Froggy and the gang